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Do I have to be on stage?No. We have a variety of off stage opporutunities from design, to construction, to playing in our orchestra pit.
I'm not really interested in having a "part" in the show- can I just be in it?"Yes! Just let the SHTAP know what you are interested in. We have so many things to be a part of at Sleepy Hollow. Let us know if you would like to be a part of: Chorus, Techincal Team, Backstage Crew, Orchestra Pit, or everything! We want you to be a part of our family!
Do I have to be a resident of Bismarck to participate?No. We have participants from all of the midwest!
What age groups can participate?Sleepy Hollow offers a variety of programming for ages 6-99. Please inquire about specific programs. Community Show: 18+ Rising Stars: Going into 1st-5th grade Jr Show: Going into 6th-10th grade Main Stage Show: Going into 9th-Recent HS Graduates The above ages may change based on the shows selected. Changes will be noted in audition announcements.
What is the cost to participate?The community show is free, but does not guarantee a spot in the cast. Art Classes are dependent on the class Rising Stars $100 Main Stage Shows are $300 Scholarships are available. Email for information!
Are there scholarships?Yes! Email for more information.
How do I audition?Just come to auditions! If you don't know what to sing, just sing Happy Birthday! You may be asked to read a small part of the script, but remember, everyone who registers is in the show! If you would like to be considered for a part, please prepare 32 measures of a song that is similar in style to the show. A speaker will be provided for track accompaniment. You may be asked to read additional sides.
When are auditions?Auditions are held each spring, usually in April. The specific dates will be announced on our website and Facebook page.
Can I rent a space in the park for an event?Of course! We have had weddings, family reunions, and graduation parties in the many different locations in our beautiful park. Please inquire about booking, or visit our Rent tab.
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